DBM project for the port of Antwerp

Project properties
Industrial environment
The site is wedged between the railway line and the Kanaaldok waterway. What used to be an area containing separate buildings with different functions was merged into three centralised clusters: shipyard, nautical and Waterway Police. A green space was also created for employees, allowing them to unwind in the Port of Antwerp’s industrial environment.
Overview and flexibility
As safety is crucial in this type of environment, we designed the surroundings so that it is immediately clear to everyone what they may or may not access. Although the building volumes look simple from the outside, on the inside there are many walking routes adapted to the work processes taking place. The setup is extremely flexible: what is now a workshop could also be repurposed into a warehouse or a hangar. It is also possible to add or remove functions.
High-tech water purification
The Port of Antwerp imposes strict requirements to reduce environmental impacts. In this respect, water purification plays a major role: wastewater used to clean ships in the dry dock may not be discharged directly into the canal or the Scheldt. Large high-tech water purification plants solve this problem.